
Rare and adorable Sylvanian Families doll house with lights. Accessories can be added for small additional price. Very heavy: around 3 Kg so best to deliver to you by hand. Can meet at Siu Hong MTR b

🌈限時優惠。最後一部🌈 🐥🐥**最平租金&靚位**🐥🐥 截止日期:7/10/2019 旺角店:先達1樓 🔸🔹人流集中,旺場🔹🔸 🎊💰回報可達2-3倍💰🎊

經營範圍: 氦氣樽租用(Balloon Gas)以及派對氣球佈置; 9-24吋鋁膜氣球絲印(Balloon ad)或10-12吋乳膠氣球絲印(Advertising Balloon Printing) Balloon AD./ Silk Printing 9-24inch Foil Balloon Printing / 10-12inch Latex Balloon Printing

西式豪華遊艇- 西貢遊船河 德國 Bavaria Virtess 420: Times: 10:00am - 4:30pm Price: HK$12,800 Weekend/ $10,800 Weekday Price include fuel to Sai Kung area, crew, ice, float toys Pick up/Drop off: Sai Kung or Pak Sh

❤日本精品批發/代購❤ 各款日本精品/文具/日用品等等, Sanrio系列, Disney系列, San-X系列, Hello Kitty, Gudetama, rilakkuma 等等

工作內容 : 負責全盤會計帳目 要求學歷 : 中五程度; 2年經驗; 良好粵語; 良好普通話; 良好英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 持有LCC高級証書 五日工,$18-20k 深水埗返工 13個月糧

兩個可愛的英國短毛貓小貓現在準備好了 whatsapp number 6747-7224

夾公仔 精品 人流極旺 交通方便 鄰近地鐵

關於導師 本人畢業於East Carolina University之小提琴演奏和鈴木教學法碩士學位。本人於19歲開始學習小提琴, 先後於美國Augustana College修讀學士學位, 師隨Christian Zamora(南達科他州交響樂團的前副首席小提琴手)。隨後於東卡羅萊納州大學完成碩士學位,師隨Hye-Jin Kim。同時亦於Joanne Bath之指導下完成了鈴木教學法的導師訓練課
M音樂 / 教學進修Mr. Cheng


銅鑼灣崇光百貨一帶核心地段,吃喝玩樂方便至極, 全屋剛全新裝修,如有興趣可到附近地產借鑰匙或打電話到蘇小姐90717744 One bedroom and one bath for rent! Located in Causeway Bay close to SOGO and all types of restaurant. Really convenience for transportat

SeaView, 2 living room, 1 dinning room, 1 bath room, 1 kitchen room 1 balcony

買賣及批發 / 玩具及模型寶寶單車店 Bobobicycleshop

new decoration, 1 dinning room, 2 living room, 1bath room, 1 kitchen room balcony
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